But it did not smell like blood.
The concord sweetness filled my eager nostrils,
Sweetness that conquered my heart long ago and still.
I lift the silver lid.
The wafting vapors whisper,
Sweet whisper of love,
Incomprehensible sacrifice,
Overwhelming lavishment,
The taste of fruit undeserved and luscious,
That I might smell,
That I might taste,
That I might absorb to utter saturation,
Love, infinite and inexhaustible.
The wafting vapors whisper,
Sweet whisper of love,
Incomprehensible sacrifice,
Overwhelming lavishment,
The taste of fruit undeserved and luscious,
That I might smell,
That I might taste,
That I might absorb to utter saturation,
Love, infinite and inexhaustible.
I thirst no more and yet ever.
©2013 Bob Mason